电子机械论文:粉碎玉米秸秆含水率对冷态压缩成型压力的影响|教客网论文频道 关键词:玉米秸秆;冷态压缩成型;含水率 [gap=515]Key words:corn stalk;cold state compaction;percentage of moisture
... percentage of moisture absorption 吸湿率 percentage of moisture 湿度百分数 ; 含水率 percentage by moisture 水分百分比 ...
The percentage of moisture content 百分比显示水分含量
percentage of moisture for covering 焊条药皮含水量
comparatively percentage of moisture 相对含水率
The percentage of moisture conten 百分比显示水分含量
comparative percentage of moisture 相对含水率
The absorption speed was quicker and the amountwas larger. On this experiment condition, the aroma quality ofjasmine tea was better when percentage of moisture content oftea base was 20%?
参考来源 - 茉莉花茶窨制过程香气及其它理化因子变化规律的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The influence of percentage of moisture content, particle size composition, mobility and volume density of body powder on thermal stability of glazed tile is discussed.
Other fuels such as wood, biomass, shredded tires and sludge are also candidates, depending on their percentage of heat input, moisture content and emission requirements.
The influence role of red mud bulk percentage, composite moisture percentage, lime quantity and additive for pavement basic level strength has been discussed in this paper.